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SAMBA (R) est une interface pour analyser les résultats de sampling de réseaux métaboliques générés à partir de SAMBApy sous Python. Elle est composée d'une une partie comparaison (calcul de différence) et une partie visualisation graphique des résultats.
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Manuel Martin / RothC
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyImplements in R the Rothamsted RothC package. Adds useful functions.
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PO2-Tools / PO²Manager
MIT LicenseUpdated -
GQE-ABISoft / BioMercator
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Updated -
mixKernel is a multiple kernel framework that allows to integrate multiple datasets of various types into a single analysis. The package is published on CRAN: https://cran.r-project.org/package=mixKernel
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DipSO / tsv2properties
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseGénération de fichiers .properties de traduction pour Dataverse à partir de fichiers de métadonnées .tsv"
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Supports pour la formation shiny - Plateforme de Biostatistique – Génopole Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées
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Andreea Dreau / bainrae
Do What The F*ck You Want To Public LicenseBeamer template for INRAE presentation. This is an unofficial template, inspired by the official ppt presentation template, provided as is and without any guarantee. Images remain the property of INRAE.
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UTOPIA: an automatically UpdaTed, cOmPlete and consistent ITS reference dAtabase
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David Allouche / jobarray
MIT Licensejob array allows managing list of jobs execution across sge and PBS scheduler system. each job is considered as an independent task. DAG management is also possible by defining constraints between job array
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ICEscreen detects and annotates ICEs (Integrative and Conjugative Elements) and IMEs (Integrative and Mobilizable Elements) in Firmicutes genomes.
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