Projects with this topic
GenoFig is a tool for graphical vizualisation of annotated genetic regions, and homologous regions comparison. It was designed to be as easy to use as possible for biologists.
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shinySbm is a package containing a shiny application. This application is build for network analysis based on the sbm package made by Chiquet J, Donnet S and Barbillon P (2023) CRAN. It allow to apply and explore the outputs of a Stochastic Block Model. It is useful if you want to analyse your data (could be adjacency matrix or edges list) without R language knowledge or to learn the basic lines of the sbm package.
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Organisation d'un bootcamp autour de l'intégration et la visualisation de données avec Neo4J, adossé en amont d'une formation Neo4J en ligne.
Site web :
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Tool for graphical vizualisation of Genbank files, comparison of homologous regions, and production of publication-compliant figures. It is an independent recoding of Easyfig 2 initially developped by M.J. Sullivan.
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DIVIS: a semantic DIstance to improve the VISualization of incomplete heterogeneous phenotypic datasets