diff --git a/utils/files/file_data.py b/utils/files/file_data.py
index fcc640a7321a6c21f94c3e9d3da939fe6a008339..087effa45607527f3d4ddaf9e3d16603e80c75f7 100644
--- a/utils/files/file_data.py
+++ b/utils/files/file_data.py
@@ -1,18 +1,34 @@
 This module contains the File class.
+import numpy as np
 class FaceNotGiven(Exception):
     Exception raised when no faces was given.
+def parse_result_file(file_path):
+    lines = []
+    x,y,z = [],[],[]
+    with open(file_path, "r") as f:
+        lines = f.readlines()[1:]
+    for line in lines:
+        line = line.replace(",", ".")
+        values = line.split("\t")
+        x.append(float(values[0]))
+        y.append(float(values[1]))
+        z.append(float(values[2]))
+    return x,y,z
 class Object:
     This class is used to manage the data of the 3D object.
-    def __init__(self, vertices, faces=None):
+    def __init__(self, vertices, faces=None, result_file_path=None):
         self.vertices = vertices
         self.faces = faces
+        self.result_file_path = result_file_path
+        self.bruteforce_discretization_result = None
         self.x = [vertex[0] for vertex in vertices]
         self.y = [vertex[1] for vertex in vertices]
         self.z = [vertex[2] for vertex in vertices]
@@ -44,10 +60,11 @@ class Object:
         :param sort: Sort the vertices by z coordinate
         :return: vertices
         vertices = self.vertices if not sort else sorted(self.vertices, key=lambda vertex: vertex[2])
         return vertices
-    def get_discrete_vertices(self, step:float = 0.1):
+    def get_discrete_vertices(self, step:float = 1):
         Discretize the vertices of the object.
         :param step: Step of the discretization
@@ -57,7 +74,7 @@ class Object:
         splitted_data = [[]]
         for line in self.get_vertices(sort=True):
             # TODO check distance instead of equality
-            if line[2] >= current_interval:
+            if line[2] >= current_interval + step:
                 current_interval += step
@@ -65,6 +82,20 @@ class Object:
             splitted_data = splitted_data[1:]
         return splitted_data
+    def get_discrete_vertices2(self, step:float = 1):
+        """
+        fait un tour de boucle en plus
+        """
+        cpt = 0
+        L = [[]]
+        for vertex in self.get_vertices(sort=True):
+            step = 1
+            L[-1].append(vertex)
+            if vertex[2] > cpt + step:
+                cpt += step
+                L.append([])
+        return L
     def get_faces(self)->list:
         Get the faces of the object.
@@ -80,3 +111,56 @@ class Object:
         :return: Data of the object
         return {'verticies': self.vertices, 'faces': self.faces, 'x': self.x, 'y': self.y, 'z': self.z}
+    def bruteforce_discretization(self):
+        """
+        Discretize the object.
+        :param step: Step of the discretization
+        :return: Discretized object
+        """
+        if self.bruteforce_discretization_result:
+            return self.bruteforce_discretization_result
+        if self.result_file_path is None:
+            raise Exception("No result file was given")
+        L = []
+        splitted_data = [[]]
+        moyx, moyy, moyz = parse_result_file(self.result_file_path)
+        moy = moyx
+        verticies = self.get_vertices(sort=True)
+        position = 0
+        while position < len(verticies):
+            print(position/len(verticies)*100,end="\r")
+            x = verticies[position][0]
+            y = verticies[position][1]
+            z = verticies[position][2]
+            L.append(x)
+            splitted_data[-1].append(verticies[position])
+            m = np.mean(L)
+            if len(moy) > 0 and abs(m - moy[0]) < 0.000001:
+                moy.pop(0)
+                L = []
+                splitted_data.append([])
+                copyposition = position
+                while int(verticies[copyposition][2]) == int(verticies[copyposition-1][2]):
+                    copyposition -= 1
+            position += 1
+        print(50*" ")
+        self.bruteforce_discretization_result = splitted_data
+        return splitted_data
+    def export(self, file_path:str):
+        """
+        Export the object in a file.
+        :param file_path: Path of the file
+        """
+        with open(file_path, "w") as f:
+            cpt = 0
+            for vertex in self.get_vertices(sort=True):
+                x = round(vertex[0], 6)
+                y = round(vertex[1], 6)
+                z = round(vertex[2], 6)
+                #f.write(f"{x}\t{y}\t{z}\n")
+                f.write(f"{cpt}\n")
+                f.write(f"{x}\n{y}\n{z}\n")
+                f.write(f"{15*'-'}\n")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/utils/files/parsers.py b/utils/files/parsers.py
index d5e3f061b6fdc3048f8b8fff651f827e31175ba3..8633ebb1b69ef3306554272f1489ab514594deb7 100644
--- a/utils/files/parsers.py
+++ b/utils/files/parsers.py
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ This module contains functions to parse files.
 from utils.files.file_data import Object
-def parse_obj_file(file_path:str,ratio:float = 1,normalised:str = '')->Object:
+def parse_obj_file(file_path:str, result_file_path:str = None, ratio:float = 1,normalised:str = '')->Object:
     Parse an OBJ file and return a dict with the vertices and faces
@@ -40,9 +40,9 @@ def parse_obj_file(file_path:str,ratio:float = 1,normalised:str = '')->Object:
             for count, value in enumerate(z):
                 z[count] -= zmin
-        return Object(list(zip(x,y,z)), triangles)
+        return Object(list(zip(x,y,z)), triangles, result_file_path)
-def parse_xyz_file(file_path: str, delimiter: str = ' ') -> dict:
+def parse_xyz_file(file_path: str, result_file_path:str = None, delimiter: str = ' ',normalised:str = '') -> Object:
     Parses an xyz file and returns a dict containing the coordinates.
@@ -53,7 +53,23 @@ def parse_xyz_file(file_path: str, delimiter: str = ' ') -> dict:
     x , y , z = [], [], []
     with open(file_path, 'r') as f:
         data = f.readlines()
-        x = [float(line.split(delimiter)[0]) for line in data]
-        y = [float(line.split(delimiter)[1]) for line in data]
-        z = [float(line.split(delimiter)[2]) for line in data]
-    return Object(zip(x,y,z))
\ No newline at end of file
+        for line in data:
+            x.append(float(line.split(delimiter)[0]))
+            y.append(float(line.split(delimiter)[1]))
+            z.append(float(line.split(delimiter)[2]))
+    if 'x' in normalised: 
+        xmin = min(x)
+        for count, value in enumerate(x):
+            x[count] -= xmin
+    if 'y' in normalised: 
+        ymin = min(y)
+        for count, value in enumerate(y):
+            y[count] -= ymin
+    if 'z' in normalised: 
+        zmin = min(z)
+        for count, value in enumerate(z):
+            z[count] -= zmin
+    return Object(list(zip(x,y,z)), result_file_path=result_file_path)
\ No newline at end of file